Thursday, January 31, 2013

DOARS- Week 7 Day 7- Sneaking Around

Welcome back! As previously stated I will no longer be posting more than one post a day. So I've been holding onto this one so as to not post it. I think this will also help my writing, since I know on days when I do posting sprees, my writing falters towards the end. Which, to be honest, is a reflection of how excited I am about my story and not because I'm simply not aware that my writing is weaker when I do that. So holding onto posts will be for the best, right?

Dear Diary,

When I woke up the house was a good 15 degrees colder than I would have liked. And also blanketed in snow. Now seasons in my world only last for about a week, and today is the third day of this season. Which means that this kind of weather is really not acceptable. This is the middle of spring. What in the world is going on with the snow? It's got to be Tony's doing. He's getting back at me, that jerk.

Cycl0n3 and I stayed in bed as long as we could, but eventually we got brave enough to venture out into our cold house and turn up the heat. Also there's things to do, and we've spent a few evenings now ignoring the world, which means there's even more to do than there normally is.

There's beds to be made.

Breakfast to be made. Oops. Hector got to it before we could.

Back-up breakfast to be made. I love my son, but a chef he isn't.

Hot tubs to be utilized by those with the spare time.
Looks like she's enjoying herself, huh? That's my Raquel. I think we take her for granted because she never causes any trouble or concern. She's everyone's favorite, even Hector's. We all talk to her about everything, but who does she have to talk to? Sure I ask her to talk to me, but I'm aware that there's a mum order in regards to me. I mean, that might be gone now that I've talked one on one to Zhiddezoe, but maybe not. How would I know? What I'm saying is that she can't even talk to me, and if she confides in anyone I'm not aware of it. I hope that she's coping with everything that's thrown at her. She's strong and capable, don't get me wrong, but sometimes being a teenager can be overwhelming, and being a teenager without having someone to talk to... well, I hope she's okay.

Which is why I pulled her out of the hot tub for some hopscotch action. I won, of course. She was definitely a contender, though, and she seemed to enjoy herself, which is what's important. Today is all about Raquel and doing what we can to make her happy. She deserves it. And if she was more competitive, I might have even contemplated throwing the game... maybe.

All too soon I was off to work.  I hate that I have to work practically every day. I hate that my chest is really exposed in my uniform. I hate that my uniform is a dress, even though I spend more time playing the sport than not. I hate work. And I do so much of it! If I'm not working then I have a game. I only have Thursdays off, and that gets tiring. I'm trying to be understanding about it though. I'm an athlete. I have to practice everyday.
When do I get to retire?

As I was leaving I saw Hector hitting up his best friend, Forest, for some cooking tips. I had to laugh about that one. No matter how many cooking tips that boy gets, I highly doubt he'll ever be a decent chef. How often has he been cooking breakfast? He still can't manage to get it right. His only hope is to live with me forever, or to find a wife that can cook.

I know I haven't been doing a great job with keeping you up to date on Cycl0n3's whereabouts, but today I know for sure that he worked out a lot and did some nectar making. He's getting pretty close to having made over 100 bottles of nectar! And we still haven't tried any of it! I haven't forgotten my plot to try some, though, don't worry, it just might be a while before I set it in motion.

Hector, apparently, spent a large part of the day blowing off steam, or that's what he said anyway. I hope he feels better and will be less cagey. That was getting old quick! I mean, usually he'll be in one of those moods for a few hours or maybe a day, but he's been like that since we went skating and that was Thursday! That's very unlike him, so yes, I'm hoping that 'blowing off steam' will fix the problem.

By the time I was getting off from work the snow had melted off, thankfully! And it was shaping up to actually be a spring day.
I hear the spring festival had come to town, too! I've never danced at that specific festival, but rumor has it that it was particularly exciting this year, though no one will give me details about what made it so exciting.

When I got home, Raquel and her dad were playing chess. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I love watching Raquel and Cycl0n3 together. It just absolutely melts my heart. My baby girl and my husband. Awww.

Hector was fixing the toilet that one of the twins broke (was it Forest?). Which was really nice, because it's one of the things that I needed to do this morning, but I completely forgot!

And there was a random horse outside. I wished I had more time to watch him, but I was so tired I could barely make it to my bed.

Early to bed, early to rise...

Lynn Sw0rd

P.S. Judging by the water sounds outside, I'm guessing the horse thought our hot tub was a good spot to drink from! Silly horse, I hope he's not too hurt by all the hot tub chemicals!

No excerpts this time around, but that's okay, it was a nice to go back to the original format.

And as a side note, I *still* always sign her name as Lynn Winslow before fixing it to Sw0rd! She's been married for... like... longer than she wasn't been married, so I have no idea what my problem is!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

DOARS- Week 7 Day 6- Crumbs

Welcome Back! I know you've been dying to find out what comes next after the big reveal, so read on!
-Excerpt from Pat's Diary-

I am real. Can you believe it? I can't! I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. For as long as I can remember I've been only able to interact with one person, only able to observe the world around me, and unable to find out the whole truth about myself. I've been questioning who and what I am for the majority of my life.

That changed when the ambassador arrived. He left me little notes or pictures or whispered to me when and where he guessed I would be, since he couldn't actually know, given that I was a figment of Hector's imagination.. sort of. Hector tried to keep me apprised of most of the goings on, but that was more because he needed a confidant than because he thought it would actually be useful to me.

When I found out that I was an alien, the ambassador forbid me from even telling Hector! He said it would get in the way of his research. And even with my two sources of information I have so many questions and I need so many answers about how I'm going to help save the people that I don't know, but that claim to be mine. There is someone that has the answers, though, and she's going to give me them whether she wants to or not. I just hope it'll be more of a conversation than an interrogation. Either way, I will find out everything I want to know.

-End of Excerpt-

Dear Diary,

When I woke up this morning, I had an odd memory of hearing sounds and unfamiliar voices during the night. This wasn't the first time this kind of thing has happened, you know, but it was the first time I'd heard two female voices, or thought I heard. I can't really say, if it wasn't all in my dreams, then I was in between sleep, which, is extremely blurry and would never stand up in a court of law. Well, with all the strange stuff that happens around here, I'm gonna say it was probably just in my over active imagination. I mean, the other voice was most decidedly not Raquel's and as far as I know there is only one female alien left, Zhiddezoe.

Oh, hadn't I said that before? Well, it's just a rumor, or well, I read between the lines and inferred it based on what she told me the other day. I'm pretty sure I'm right, though they'll never admit it, of course. They are so close to the end, that their entire civilization boils down to just a handful of males and one female who, in my opinion, is too old for childbearing. Which is why I've been pondering about why Hector seems more important to them than Raquel. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't like to think of either of my children being used as breeders to foment the alien population, what parent would? But, I'm not blind to the practical issues raised by an overwhelming lack of one gender. Surely you can see what I mean. Looking at it from a strictly logistical viewpoint they need a breed-able female. Well, maybe they need a strong intelligent man more, but if that's the case, then unless they find a way to reproduce amongst themselves, just having Hector around isn't going to be sufficient. Anyways, it's way too early to be having these kinds of thoughts, and I just hope and pray that they'll find a way to reproduce that doesn't involve my family in the slightest.
Are aliens and sims even able to procreate?

Well, back to the day I was having and not the far out thoughts I was thinking, the first thing I did was investigate the house and see who all was around. I mean, of course I believed it was all in my head, but you never can be too sure. The first person I found was Hector on the weight bench. Since he seems to be full of answers, or at least knows when answers are not to be had, I asked him about it. In between grunts and huffs (maybe when he was working out wasn't the right time to question him) he told me that I was getting old and imagining things. Thanks, son. I believe him, though. With the kind of life we'd been leading, I was probably getting a little paranoid about things and imagining new intrigues that didn't exist. I can get like that sometimes.

Having confirmed that my imagination is indeed over active, I abandoned my perusal of the house for a more useful venture, that of tending the garden, which was moved outside again as yesterday was the first official day of spring. Cycl0n3 had taught me quite a few things about garden care and I had a little time to take care of the garden for him. Don't get me wrong, he loves his garden and would spend all day every day in it if he could, but that's the problem, hence my recent interest in the activity. More time with my husband can't be a bad thing!

Speaking of hubby, he came out and joined me for several hours, until it was time for me to go to work, then off I went. I feel a bit bad about not spending any time with my kids before they went to school, but I'm sure they enjoyed whatever Cycl0n3 made for breakfast. And since I kidnapped Raquel yesterday, she probably had some homework to catch up on, which I only would have distracted her from.

Wait, were they three kids who got on that bus? It must be someone from across the street or near here. Do we have new neighbors? That's kind of exciting! It's not too often that people move in, except for the strange people who live across the street. They're so creepy and mysterious! Sometimes I feel like they're always watching us! It would be almost too much to hope for for them to move out and a nice family with a teenager to move in.

"What do you mean the answer to who was behind the Holocaust isn't Tony? Every school aged alien knows at least that much!"
*sigh* "Mom will be home soon, if you don't want her finding out about you, you'll go to Hector room... and finish your homework... alone."

Cycl0n3 spent the day in town cameo-ing, or something like that, so the kids came home from school to an empty house. Poor guys! They're really great kids, though, so I'm sure they did their homework and didn't throw a wild party or anything. I guess they really wouldn't have time for that, though, since I do get home from work at 6, and that would only give them a few hours. Well, you never know what kids can get up to in just a few hours! Bad kids, though, and mine are good and responsible, so I'm sure it was homework all around.

When I got home from work, I said hello to the kids, who were working on the usual stuff, Hector at the telescope, Raquel doing homework. They both kind of muttered a 'hello' to me, but they were obviously quite involved in their own activities. Also, it had started snowing, sadly, which meant the plants were going to be dormant... again. Great! Actually over the past few days we do have enough saved up that it shouldn't make much of a difference. We already have at least two weeks worth of food! Fantastic, right? Anyways, that's just a long round about way of saying that I'm not sure we'll go back to the planters this year, though I suppose it's up to the gnomes, now isn't it?

While doing laundry, I heard the oddest thing. It sounded like there were noises coming from Hector's room. I checked and made sure that it wasn't my room, and it wasn't. There was a clanging or a clinking of glass or metal or something going on in Hector's room. It was probably nothing, just the random potion stuff he works on settling in whatever he had it stored in. The gnome was sitting on the dryer again, so it wasn't him messing around with stuff. I was about to investigate the noise and put my mind at ease when I got distracted.

Shirtless husbands who have been working out have a tendency to distract one from maybe-not-so-imaginary noises.

Still madly in love with my husband,

Lynn Sw0rd
-Excerpt from Raquel's Diary-

This is never going to work.

My mom isn't dumb, she's going to find out that we have an alien living with us. Only coming out when mom's not home is fine and dandy, but I could have sworn that I heard her making noises in Hector's room after mom came home. Hector was outside, so yeah, if she put two and two together, then that is not good, or at least not a good way to keep things on the down-low. Pat's going to get caught if she keeps that behavior up. I told them that they should just come out and tell mom what's going on, but Pat said she needs time. Time for what? Well, of course she wouldn't tell me.

If it hadn't been for school, I wouldn't have even found out about her, but hiding her at school was, apparently, the best option, and thus I met her on the bus, all bundled up in a hoodie, no less, but still I could tell she was an alien. You might be thinking to yourself that taking an alien to school to spend time with all of the teenagers in town isn't the brightest way to keep one from being discovered. I'm with you on that one, but I think she hung out in the unused science lab all day, and as far as I know she didn't get caught. Maybe she has some alien power that helps her be invisible.
Anyways, from what Hector's told me, I guess she's the 'helper' people have been talking about.I tried asking her about it, but she was very quiet and secretive about everything, so I gave up and went to bed.

Only, after going to bed I heard some strange noises outside and went out to investigate. Now, let me just say that winter had officially ended, but it did start to snow that day, so I was pretty happy that it was cold again. But, investigating the noises wasn't just an excuse to go outside and savor the last cold weather of the year. Really. Ok, I don't believe me, either, I've never investigated any of the previous weird noises outside, and there have been a lot of them. What can I say? I love the cold. I was born that way.

I was just investigating, but Rommich had other plans for the night. Plans that didn't involve staying on simWorld.

I must say that being the confidant of everyone (now even Rommich) is taking it's toll on me. I know so many things that I dare not even write. It's hard to imagine that anyone other than the aliens and myself know more than I do. How am I supposed to deal with that? Now, I've seen the civilization that we're trying to protect with my own eyes. I've been to their planet. I've fought in their war. How can my life ever go back to normal? Do I even want it to?

One thing is for sure, though, Tony must die. I will do anything to make sure that happens.

-End of Excerpt-
So now we've got our lovely kids on their own missions, Hector, against his nature, is doing everything he can to save the aliens, and Raquel, against her nature, has vowed to destroy someone! Exciting, no?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our Next DW!

Hello all! If you've caught up with my story, then I am veritably impressed by you! Fantastic job!

I'm posting because Hector and Raquel are aging pretty quickly and I've got to make up my mind about the next generation.
Well, I think I have decided.

I'm not going to spoil it here, but I did want to let you all know that I have finally come to a conclusion. You'll find out about it in the appropriate DOARS chapter. I can say one thing, though! After hours and hours of mulling it over and thinking and pondering over the subject I have decided that Diary Writer will replace heir for the purpose of this legacy. To save on typing I'm going to call it DW. After a long internal deliberation this title became the obvious choice for the DOARS as it is clearly applicable.

As a side announcement, I've decided that in the future posting sprees will be kept by moi and released once a day so that I don't end up overwhelming my readers any more. Doesn't that make you happy? Well, I hope that you all will bear with me and read the latest posts at your own leisure.

Please note that this next picture is NOT a spoiler, although it is our dear Lynn as an alien. (using this awesome mod from MTS) You can tell for sure that it's not the DOARS Lynn because she's in Moonlight Falls, and DOARS Lynn isn't.

Friday, January 25, 2013

DOARS- Week 7 Day 5- Respira De Nuevo

When will the chapters stop?!?!?! Right? Lol, well hang in there, we're almost caught up. Just one more day after this one.

-Excerpt from Hector's Diary-

The aliens keep me busy with their various assignments. Sometimes, or really most of the time, I think that they work me too hard. I'm still just a kid, I mean a teenager. I'm not an adult. I don't want to shoulder all this work alone, but at the same time I don't really want them turning to anyone else, either, when I'm capable. So I work my butt off and hope that the aliens survive after all. There's only a handful of them left, now. I try not to think about it, but I know that my buddy Rommich's life is counting on the work I do. I just wish it didn't all fall to me. What if I mess up? What if I can't find what they need? Will they all die?

I wish I could say that no part of me wanted that, but it would be a lie. It's no secret that I'd kind of like to watch the rest of simmanity go up in flames, or break down, or suffer, or cease to exist, or whatever. I can't help it, but I do fight it. Everyday. Still, though, when I feel like slacking off or just giving up, it's a hard thing to resist. I just keep trying to remind myself that I can rise above my natural traits.

My new assignment has to do with becoming physically fit. They haven't given me any details about why this is necessary, but I guess they have some grand scheme for me that involves strength or endurance or something.

I could use a break from it all, though. Day in, day out, working all day with no free time, it's a lot for a teen to handle. Maybe I'll take the day off today, and just spend the day on me.
But what would I even do?
I don't have any interests or hobbies outside of the aliens. I've been focusing on them for so long, since I was just a kid, I'm not even sure who I am without them. What will I do with myself when the war is over? What kind of a person will I be?

-End of Excerpt-

Dear Diary,

Today was a morning that you've seen a bazillion times already. Or well, it would have been, but I decided to break from routine. We've seen enough routine, haven't we? I mean, every once in a while you got to shake things up. So I'm going to!

I checked the weather online and it said that today was going to warm up, so maybe I'll take the kids to the park to skate, it's been a very long time since the family went out skating. If I remember correctly wasn't it just before Raquel was born? I think we'd all enjoy that. I mean, fun in the sun, what could be better?

While the kids spend the day at school, though, the day was much like the others. I cleaned the house. Just because I'm taking a day off doesn't mean that I don't want to keep my house clean. I mean, what if I didn't clean the house, then tomorrow I'd be so far behind on everything! We could possibly be buried alive in filth. Seriously. That would be awful.

Cycl0n3 spent time working on his very nice garden, which pretty soon would probably be replanted outside. I know it doesn't seem like the plants were inside for very long, but apparently if we hadn't gotten a head start on them we would have been in tight straights when it came to feeding ourselves.

Raquel came home from school and, after finishing her homework, decided to investigate this odd plant that is outside of our greenhouse.

Apparently, it had unexpected consequences. I hope that's just temporary; she doesn't look happy about that one bit!

The news that we were going to the park to skate cheered her up a bit. I invited Hector along, but he got very secretive and dodgy. Eventually I succeeded in convincing him to come along a little later, but I wonder what's up with that boy. You'd think some time to relax and have fun would be exactly what he needed after always working so hard!

Well, of course it started to rain on us. Both Cycl0n3 and Hector were supposed to show up later to skate with us, but the odds of that happening with it raining were slim at best. I wasn't too happy about that. This was supposed to be our family day and the rain had to ruin it!

Well, my hubby did show up. That made my day, it really did. Skating with him was fun, even though I didn't really appreciate the fact that he showed up in his underwear! Poor Raquel turned purple the minute she saw him. It was no surprise that she bailed and went home not too long after he got there.

After skating to our heart's content, Cycl0n3 and I went home and gardened a little together. He was so tired and it really needed to done, so I actually weeded and did some other stuff I had never done before! It was a bit scary, to be honest. I mean, I hope the plants don't end up dying! Cycl0n3 assured me that they'd be fine, but I think that's just because he wanted to go to bed sooner than later.

I wanted to check on Hector, since I hadn't seen him since he got home from school, but on my way to his room, the ambassador stopped me.
"Long time, no see," I greeted the little guy. He rolled his eyes.
"I've seen you every day."
"Yeah, that's not creepy at all." I said, ignoring my cell phone, which had become a habit, btw.
"Hector is ocupado and I'm not at liberty to reveal the nature of his occupation. Please kindly check back in the morning."
"Okaaay, is that all, or did you, like, want to fill me in on what in the world the gnomes have to do with the whole scheme. I've heard the alien's side and I'd kind of like to hear yours." I knew it was a long shot. The little creature laughed.
"Don't freak out," it ordered. Was it going to tell me? Really? My breath caught in my chest for a moment before it disappeared. Of course. I'm not really sure if I expected anything different. Well, Cycl0n3 had already retired for the night, and it was high time for me to do the same.

Trying to be cool and composed,

-Lynn Sw0rd

-Excerpt from Hector's Diary-

Forest took me to the side today and told me that Pat was ready. You remember Pat? My doll, my friend, the one that no one can see. Yeah, that one.

The thing is Forest doesn't know about her, or didn't. I was flabbergasted, he just smacked my arm and went on to his next class.

I think I stood in the hall way for a good 10 minutes, just thinking and trying to figure it out. Forest had hinted that he might be involved in the alien's war before, so I wasn't surprised that I got a cryptic message from him, just the content. Was Pat a part of this, too? What was she ready for?

When I got home from school 3 agonizing hours later, I brushed off my mom's attempt to talk to me. Something about breaks, or whatever, I wasn't paying attention. I had to figure out what was going on. Wait, going out to the park? I'd have the house to myself, excellent!

I started calling out to Pat for her to appear as she often would, but unlike all the other times I heard her appear in the living room.

"We'll need more space that we normally do, buddy," she said in her usual high pitched ethereal voice.

"What are you ready for?" I almost asked how in the world Forest knew about her, but it had to be the aliens. I couldn't think of any other answer. She laughed, which wasn't abnormal for her, she did giggle a lot, but she was still acting strange. Well, for one she was out in a main room, that was very unusual for her.

"You're so silly, you should have asked what you really wanted to know. You're right, of course, smart boy, Forest and the aliens and I are all connected. You'll find that most everyone knows a little something about our war, you see. From the gnomes or from their own experiences with the person known to your mother as Tony. Well, I'll also answer the question that you did ask. I'm ready for the potion, you know the one that the aliens have been prodding you to make for almost as long as you can remember. The one you were working on last night," she led the way to my lab table and pulled it out of the yellow container.

"That mixture was a bust, it didn't do anything. I should know, I tested it. Are you sure you're not looking for a different one?" Out of all the potions that I'd made that was the least impressive one. I laughed at myself when I put it together, even, because it was a far cry from my normal innovative chemistry skills. Judging by the scoff from Pat, she was absolutely certain she grabbed the right one. Well, I must say my curiosity was piqued, though when she led me back to the main room I was fully expecting nothing to happen.

And then she drank it. There were bubbles and sparkles and the floor even shook. It was very exciting and it hit me. She was the helper. The figment of my imagination was the person the aliens had sent to help me. My mouth went dry as I watched with anticipation and trepidation while she slowly took another form.

When I say slowly I mean it. The whole process took several hours. But then it was done, and standing before me in the flesh, unlike I had ever seen her before was Pat.

Pat was an alien.

-End of Excerpt-

The big reveal! That was pretty exciting for me. I can't tell you how long I was waiting to introduce her! :)