Saturday, March 24, 2012

3.3 Aaron's Family

Welcome back! If you're reading this, then you are probably related to me. Lol, ok just kidding. Seriously though, thanks to my family for reading my sims blog. That's awfully sweet of you.
Last time on TLFTL Aaron almost had a panic attack, and chickened out of telling Cuddles that he loved her, but it was okay because Cuddles saved the day and kissed him. :) Awww. *Spoiler* Looks like we have our Generation 3 couple.  I know, not much of a spoiler, but still.

So I have big big plans coming up for Aaron! I'm really excited to write them, so in the meantime we have a filler chapter, which unfortunately isn't that interesting, I'm sorry! I'm a little uninspired about it, but here it is none-the-less. Don't worry, though, the next one should be super cool. :) 

So let's get on with the show. :D
 I must admit that my life now is pretty awesome. In fact, things even better than I thought they would be. Cuddles is a wonderful and amazing woman, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
It's true, we haven't dated for that long, but I've spent my entire life with this woman and we both know that I'll spend the rest of it with her, so all that was left for me to do is ask. Which I did, and she said yes. Who would've thought that proposing and promising your life to another person would be a thousand times easier than telling them you love them? I certainly didn't, but it was for me.

Cuddles wants a different wedding dress than the average woman. Her favorite color is pink and I think she should go for it. She's only going to be a bride once, and no matter what she wears, she'll be the most beautiful bride ever, even if it isn't the classical white wedding gown.

The wedding plans have gone by pretty quickly, to tell the truth. We both decided to have a small wedding with just the two of us. My mom isn't most pleased with my choice of bride (she still doesn't believe that Cuddles was once imaginary) and Isael and Snuggles have been travelling the world and collecting various odds and ends for their experiments, so really everyone we would invite won't be able (or want to) come.

In the end, the wedding went off without a hitch. It was just me and Cuddles under the stars and our lovely wedding arch.

Married life is wonderful. Cuddles and I have a light hearted relationship and we do practically everything together. When I'm inventing, she's right there working out, which isn't to say that we spend all of our time skilling. We find plenty of time to joke around and enjoy each other's company. I recently discovered that she's ticklish, a fact that I'm sure she wishes I would forget.

The only thing keeping us from being totally happy in our lives is my mother and Cuddles lack of relationship. Well, they have a relationship, just a very negative one. I love my mother, I always have, but she's convinced that Cuddles is an evil woman up to no good. Truthfully, it hurts me more than it hurts Cuddles to hear that. I know Cuddles has a different outlook on the world than most, but that's part of what makes her special. I wouldn't change her, and I wish my mother would just accept her.

To that end we had a family meeting and decided the two would spend some quality time together and try to get along, so they called a taxi and headed out for drinks.

She and Cuddles got along better after they got back... and my mother has continued going out. Honestly I think that's what has helped them the most. Mom used to feel cooped up in the house and she had a hard time understanding Cuddles, which created tension between them. Now that Mom's gone more frequently, things are quieter, Even if mom has changed dramatically.

I suppose I should at least be happy that she's replaced Dad with someone around her own age... even if he does have a terrible reputation around town. I just want Mom to be happy, and if Hank Goddard makes her happy... then that's fine.

I wish she would keep me informed about her life, though. She and Hank got married at City Hall and didn't even tell me. The next thing I knew she had packed her bags and he was carrying her out of here. I know she's a full grown woman, and she single-handedly raised me and my younger brother, but I still worry about her. How could I not? I hope she and her new husband will be just as happily married as she was to my father, but I have a hard time believing that it will happen.

About two years have passed since my mother got remarried and moved out. She and her new husband had a little boy named Liam and they're expecting another boy. They're planning to name him Desmond. We've visited them a few times and Liam is pretty cute. He seems to be a good kid. My opinion of Hank is also on the up and up, he's settled down and he seems to be a good husband and father.

Mom isn't the only one with a child on the way. Cuddles is about 6 months along with our first child. We're very excited to be parents. We've got the nursery laid out and we're just waiting for the baby to get here.

 Charlotte went into labor at the gym where we've been working out. It was terrifying and exhilarating and mostly exciting. We can't wait to be parents!

We brought a healthy little girl named Flower home from the hospital. The delivery was exhausting, and Mom says it only gets more tiring once you get home. I suppose she would know, she has had 7 kids. She also tells me that it's the most wonderful job in the world, which is why she went on to have two more late in life. Desmond and Liam are great kids, so I can't really blame her. She and Hank decided to only have the two of them, though, which is a relief for me. I worried about my mom during her last pregnancy, as she was really getting up there in age, and it's odd having siblings the age of my own children.

 I really do love being a Dad and Cuddles is an excellent mother. After Flower was born it took a while to get used to being parents (and it was just as exhausting as Mom said it would be.) After we got the hang of it, I got to go back to inventing while Cuddles looked after Flower.

Flower is growing like a weed! Every time I turn around she's a little bigger. She's starting to talk and walk and we're potty training right now. Fun times, let me tell ya. She's an odd child. Sometimes I wonder if every child is odd, but I really think she is more unusual than most. She's very antisocial. She'll tolerate having one parent around, but she hates it when we try to do anything as a family. We tried working with her and getting her to open up, but we're not having that much success. She's happy just playing by herself, and maybe that's okay.

We found out that Cuddles is pregnant again. I just hope that Flower will take to being an older sister. Something makes me doubt that she'll be more patient and loving with her young sibling as she is with us, though. That's very worrisome.

In what seemed to be a very short 9 months, we brought Herb home from the hospital. He is an incredibly good baby. He rarely cries, he sleeps through the night, he seems happy enough. We were expecting to have another baby like Flower (grumpy!), but Flower and Herb are night and day.

Herb just keeps growing. It seems like kids do that, they just grow and grow. He loves playing with his doll that he got from Isael and Snuggles. I don't know how they managed to make these dolls, but Isael said that if the kids play with their dolls as much as we played with ours, than they might turn out to be like Cuddles and Snuggles. It's exciting to think that maybe these dolls are really people. I will have to be sure to pass the formula for the metaphorum potion on to whichever kid I decide to carry on this legacy.

Now that the kids are all old enough to play together, we like to have Mom and Hank over more frequently. Poor Desmond doesn't have any hair, but I'm sure he'll grow some before he gets too much older. It's cute to see them all with their dolls out and playing together. Well, playing in the same room with their dolls. They don't seem to interact with each other, yet. I'm sure they will when they get older, though.

Cuddles and I had another baby. We named him Basil. Basil cries and sleeps, but mostly sleeps. He's a good mix between what Flower and Herb were like at his age, happier than Flower and not as active ad Herb.

Flower just started school, after growing up a little, she seems to enjoy being an older sister more. Sometimes I find her and Herb spending time together, which is a miracle because Flower still hates to be around people... or really anyone. I know that she loves her family, but she prefers to love us from a distance. She's a very peculiar child, but I love her the way she is.

She's recently taken up talking to the air and writing books. She's an exceptional writer! She has a very matter-of-fact view of the world, and though she's not a genius by any standard, she's very analytical. She's taken to writing a series of guides for imaginary friends. Isael hasn't been feeding her information, so I can only gather that she has her own imaginary friend that's been helping her with these novels. That's exciting to me, I love that my kids will have a friend as close as Cuddles and I... but is it bad that I hope her friend is a girl? Even though, yes I know, at her age I had already decided that I would marry Cuddles, but I'm not ready for my little girl to be thinking about boys yet.

Herb is still his happy little self. I've noticed that he keeps himself to a schedule (kind of like his mother.) So he's very easy to raise, as long as he gets to bed at the same time everyday and gets his bottle at the same time every day, he's a happy kid.

 Flower stopped talking to the air and has started to play with her doll again when she's not writing. When I asked her about it, she said that she decided she preferred to have a doll that can't walk around, instead of one that can. I took that as a sign that "Pal" is indeed an imaginary friend. I hope I get to meet it someday.

 Basil has grown into a ridiculously cute and happy toddler. He falls down a lot, but he just giggles about it. He's a joy to have around. It's a little bitter sweet to only have one toddler around, though. Cuddles and I miss having a baby in the house, but we decided to stop after 3 and we're not having anymore.

With Herb and Flower in school, we've been inviting play dates over. The kids seem to enjoy doing their homework together, and I've noticed their grades going up. Who knew that the Bunch clan would have a smart kid? Jodie Bunch seems to get along with Flower better than most, so she comes over just about every day.

Of all the kids, Herb seems to be the one with my imagination. He's even started playing some of the games I played when I was younger.

Herb is definitely a mommas boy. He and Cuddles are very close. I love watching them together, though I do wish that he would be closer to Basil. It would be great for my sons to play together more often. I'm not sure if all families are like ours, but my kids seem to prefer being alone than being with people. I wonder if the boys learned that from Flower? No matter where they learned it, I hope they grow out of it.
At least Herb helps his little brother with his homework, maybe that will lead to other brotherly bonding activities. It's probably a little bit much to hope for, though. Most days Basil loves to do nothing else but watch tv and Herb would spend any significant time doing nothing. He's always running around and keeping busy.

Flower just started high school. It's difficult to believe that she's grown up so much. She's not the happiest teenager around. In fact, I doubt that she's ever happy. She spends all of her time alone (still) and is usually writing or playing hopscotch. Cuddles and I have tried to reach out to her and make jokes or be playful, anything to get her to smile, but that only seems to make it worse. She has no sense of humor, sadly. Her writing is excellent, though. She's written over 40 books!

My kids are old enough now for me and Cuddles to decide who will take over the family when they're of age. We talked about it for hours. We had the very responsible, though extremely distant, Flower; the excitable and helpful Herb; and the couch-potato, Basil.

In the end we decided that Flower should take over. My biggest fear is that she'll continue to be a successful writer, but she'll be alone for the rest of her life. I know she prefers solitude now, but will she be happy with it for the rest of her life? Having a family has brought be untold joys and I want all of my kids to experience that. I'm sure that Flower will take her responsibility of taking over the family seriously. I hope that she can find someone that makes her as happy as Cuddles makes me.

Now that our heir is picked, it's time to enter another stage of my life. I'm still a father first and foremost, but I'm also an inventor and it's time to push forward on my biggest invention to date.


If you read to the end, then just... wow. 0.o
I'm really sorry that I was so uninspired for this chapter... but stay tuned because Aaron's not done just yet and I really think you'll enjoy what I have in store for him. :)

Also, feel free to leave a comment below, just be nice about it!

1 comment:

  1. Flooower!! I want to get to Flower's chapter pronto. :D:D

    There was nothing wrong with this chappi! Looking forward to the next. :D
